Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Amsterdam sold once more

ANP, the Dutch Reuters, reports that Virtual Amsterdam is finally sold! This is the second time it is sold, the first deal fell through in early may. The buyer is, part of the Boom TV company.

The deal is countering recent Dutch press that is taking a negative view on Second Life. After Linden Labs released the official activity stats the Dutch press got a negative hiccup saying "only 17,000 Dutchmen are active in Second Life" Eric Rijkaart, Boom TV's CEO says that they've estimated Dutch activity to be around 7,000 at the time of purchase, so the new stats do open perspective in his view.

They're not expecting a shortterm ROI but inted to gather experience in Virtual Worlds which can be used later in other metaverses.

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Anonymous Dobre Vanbrugh said...

well about this number, we've been posting heavily about this subject in the netherlands. Some major newspapers shouted that 'Second Life a failure' was, due the the fact that only 17,000 Dutchmen where active users according to the LL stats.

However, one seemed to overlook that these 17k where active for 1,5 hrs a day (numbers Myspace and Yahoo can only dream of) and the average for the whole of the SL community this is just over 1 hour. Moreover the # of active users grew from 250k to 500k in less then 6 months which is also a fairly good number. And last but not least (as posted before here) it is a very oldschool marketing way of thinking to just value SL by its stats. Not only because virtual worlds are just in their early stage of development (how many people used the net in the first 2 years), but also because these worlds are not just for marketing and communication. It is used for conferencing, targeted events, simulations, etc. Adoption and functional use of new technology takes time and lets not forget that especially in the Netherlands the raised expectations (and therefore the desillusion) was pushed by the media itself...

Thursday, June 21, 2007 10:02:00 AM  

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