Monday, July 30, 2007

Capozzi branding hyperjump

Everything new gets dubbed 2.0 these days, upto and including the Financial Times writing on gospel 2.0 or the blogoshpere getting excited about Philantropy 2.0 or Fundraising 2.0. To state that this blogpost is about wine 2.0 or distilling 2.0 would not give credit enough to the sim I visited today...

This is a tale beyond a succesful immersion - even when the island hasn't seen it's final version and opening yet. This is a tale of creating a brand 21st century style in a 19th century business.

The business I'm referring to is that of making wine, a traditional profession that -at least in Europe- brings images of old, weathered farmers and old French chateau's. It's classic and romantic and absolutely non-tech-savvy. During the 20th century we have seen the rise of new wineproduction areas, like California, South Africa and New Zealand gaining popularity over the traditional French and Spanish wines. The popularity of these new wines are partly because these wineries use modern technology to create well balanced wines and of a more constant quality than the traditional French ones.

Here's a look at the Capozzi sim

To start off by calling this a hyperjump and getting all excited about it does raise some expectations. Why?

If you look at the sim -without its context- it's nothing special. It is a quality build, as expected when built by Chip Poutine of the Prion Design Group and the guys (and girls) over at Metaversatility. Lush green rolling hills house the winery and a path that leads through the various stages of the production process. Though totally different in design than the Ben & Jerry's factory in Second Life, it's the same concept. So why the buzz?

The buzz is that this is not a brand creating a virtual presence like "we've got to be there" but it is a grand design in creating the brand itself. The Capozzi winery was established in 2005 by Josh Hermsmeyer and really is a tale of crowdsourcing as it started off on the pinotblogger blog:

"On November 18, ‘05 pinotblogger was born. Its stated purpose is to “outline the long and painful processes involved in starting and building a family winery in the Russian River Valley. While we haven’t been at it very long nor has it been particularly painful yet, I’m 99.9% certain that at least one of these adjectives will correctly describe the project in the very near future (hopefully NOT painful and short though, as that would be sad)."

Meanwhile the Pinotblogger website has been been among the top 5 wineblogs in the world and gives a great insight in the business and starting up the new winery. The virtual presence complements this strategy. It's an all in, a 21st century marketing campaign from a traditional craft, that's a hyperjump.

Read more on the build of the sim at the website, or visit it inworld: SLURL:

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Blogger Adri said...

the guys (and girls) over at Metaversatility

We appreciate that you noticed :D

This was a fun project, and I'm looking forward to pouring a glass of Capozzi Pinot Noir in '08!

Monday, July 30, 2007 11:11:00 PM  
Blogger VeeJay Burns said...

You're welcome Adri.

Me too

Monday, July 30, 2007 11:17:00 PM  
Blogger Chip Poutine said...

It was tough not to want to be drinking the whole time on that build - for the right reasons, of course :D

BTW the project website link is 90% correct - takes you to wine country, takes you to 404 country.

Monday, July 30, 2007 11:20:00 PM  
Blogger VeeJay Burns said...

Chip, my mistake. Had the correct links open when blogging it, though crashed before I got to the final paragraph.

Had to reboot and typed the last line - memeory failed be. It is corrected.

Monday, July 30, 2007 11:23:00 PM  
Blogger Aleister Kronos said...

I'd go with vin(2.)0

Wednesday, August 01, 2007 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous eppie hock said...

That looks pretty cool! I visisted a couple of vineyards in South Africa when i was there on holiday. It reminds me of this one in SL> Definately have to check that out soon!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:16:00 PM  

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