25% of Global top 100 in SL
Based upon the Top 100 Global Brands Scoreboard he checked to see which companies were in Second Life and concludes 20% of these Global brands have a presence in Second Life:
"Interbrand takes many ingredients into account when ranking the value of the
Best Global Brands. Even to qualifyfor the list, each brand must derive at least
a third of its earnings outside its home country, be recognizableoutside of its
base of customers, and have publicly available marketing and financial data. "
1. Coca Cola
2. Microsoft
3. IBM
6. Toyota
7. Intel
10. Mercedes-benz
13. BMW
18. Cisco
25. Sony
29. Nike
31. Dell
42. Philips
43. Siemens
44. Nintendo
52. MTV
62. Amazon
69. Adidas
76. Reuters
81. ING
98. Nissan
Missing on this list are apple (33), SAP (34), eBay (48), Accenture (50) and BP (84) though, so it's closer to 25%.
Some, like Coca Cola and SAP only hold a small spot in Second Life, others such as IBM have a multble island presence and others (like eBay and BP) are still under cosntruction.
Labels: adidas, amazon, cisco, coca cola, dell, ibm, ing, intel, microsoft, nintendo, nissan, philips, reuters, second life, sony